7 Things to Look For When Taking Care of the Park

Everything we have should be treated so that it continues to bring happiness. That also applies to our parks. There is no harm in taking a day in 1-2 weeks to pay attention to the park. For more effective garden treatments, try doing the following 6 things.

1. Grass

Besides having to look neatly cut, the grass should be free of wild plants or weeds. The end of the rainy season like this time should be used to plant parts of the yard that are not completely covered with grass. If Japanese grass does not appear to thrive in the yard, it can be replaced with a type of grass that is easier to maintain, such as mini elephant grass.

2. Cutting plant roots when replacing pots

Soil plants in pots or plants must be replaced regularly at least 1 time every month. The pot must also be replaced according to the height of the plant. When moving the plant, cut a few main roots (in the middle of the plant) before replanting them.

3. Dry the plants in the room

Indoor plants make the atmosphere inside the house fresher. But plants in the room need to be dried under the sun directly regularly according to their needs.

4. Maintain plant shape
Plants planted on the ground are taller and taller than plants in pots. Plant branches need to be trimmed regularly so that the garden looks attractive and fun to see. Also clean plants from dried leaves. These dried leaves can be collected in plastic containers or holes to be used as compost.

5. Re-polishing garden furniture
Wooden benches and tables, as well as garden furniture from other woods must be cared for regularly because they continue to be exposed to heat and rain. Cover with anti-termite polish and re-furnish it to look shiny like new.

6. Check the water plant container

Pot or vessel of water plants need to be checked as often as possible to find out if there is a leak. If the pot has leaked, try patching or changing it with a new one. This needs to be done immediately so that the plant does not lack water, and prevents water from seeping everywhere.

7. Only use fertilizer if absolutely necessary
Chemical fertilizers can reduce soil fertility if used in the long run. Only use fertilizer when the plants look unhealthy, or just transferred to new planting media.