How to Arrange a Flower Garden in Front of the House

No matter how beautiful a flower garden, it will still look less beautiful if it is placed in the wrong area. The reason is there is an aesthetic that must be considered so that the flower is more pleasing to the eye. In this case, there are some tips that can be done so that the plants in front of the house are more attractive and tidy. Here’s how to arrange a flower garden in front of the house:

Flower Garden

Group the Types of Flowers

You can arrange flowers by grouping types of flowers or ornamental plants. Try lining up ornamental plants of the same type at an angle in front of the house. By doing this grouping, it will make the area look more harmonious and not cluttered.

Adjusting the Lineup

If grouping is done and it has been lined up, then arrange and give the distance between the rows of plants. Make a clearer line and specify your wishes in managing the line. If your yard is square, line the plants in an arc. Thus, you can make the page not stiff.

Establish and Create a Center Point

In order for the plants to look attractive, make a center point so that the view is attracted to one type of plant. Choose plants that are superior and look different from other ornamental plants.

Adjusting the Plant Position

The thing you need to pay attention to in arranging your flower garden is to adjust the position of the plants according to the height, size and thickness of the plants. Try to arrange the position of your plants neatly. Put taller plants at the back, and so on.

Check Alignment

After you finish adjusting the position of your plants, then try to see the alignment of the ornamental plants that have been arranged neatly on the page. Set it to look neater and make people comfortable when looking at it. By looking at the alignment of the plants, you can find out where the plants are lacking.